E x p e r i e n c e A y u r v e d a P r i s t i n e

Ayurveda You Can Trust, Embrace and Afford

C r a f t e d F r o m S c r i p t u r e s . E n d o r s e d b y M i l l i o n s .

Arihanta Industries has had the exalted vision to bring ayurveda to society in a contemporary form and to unravel the mystery behind this haloed and revered, Indian system by exploring and selecting indigenous herbs, ancient ayurvedic literatures in holy Vedshastras and subjecting the formulations to modern pharmacological, toxicological safety tests and clinical trials to create ayurvedic products & medicines for society.

" A y u r v e d a i s t h e S c i e n c e o f L i f e . I t C a n H e l p Y o u D e v e l o p , R e g a i n a n d M a i n t a i n G o o d H e a l t h T h r o u g h o u t Y o u r L i f e t i m e . "

Best Immunity Booster

Arihanta  industries “Immune Power”  is 100% ayurvedic product with no side effect. This ayurvedic product is a house of best herbs for immune system boosting.

Best Toothpaste in the world


Finedent is an ayurvedic toothpaste for external use whose formula has been taken from hindu VedShastra . It is a complete solution for any kind of tooth related diseases and can be used by any age group with no side effects. Finedent remineralize teeth, kill bacteria, strengthen the gums, ends sensation and cleans teeth naturally.

Paraben & Sulphate Free Shampoo

Kesh Vardhak Shampoo

Best ayurvedic shampoo for regular use, It does not contain harmful chemicals like Sulphate & Paraben. Remove dandruff in one wash.


A r t i c l e s

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O u r P r o d u c t s

We have product for mostly all common known diseases.